Contributions may be dropped in the Collection plate or the office safe, sent via US Mail to UUCB, 183 Riverside Dr, Binghamton, NY 13905. Instead, you may contribute using the “Donate” feature at the top of the UUCB Home page, with your full name, via PayPal.

Please do not make two contributions on one check or PayPal donation. Contributing to two different things? Write two checks. Make two PayPal donations. This makes your intentions easier to follow for the Collector.

You may verify the status of your pledges and contributions recorded in the UUCB database. Every Member, Friend, and Visitor who filled out the information card is in the UUCB database.

A. Here is how:
a. In an Internet Web Browser, go to
b. The database ‘log-in’ window will appear. It has two boxes. Do not use the box on the right.

B. Never logged in? Forgot your ID and/or password? Don’t know if you have one?
a. In the left box, click on the ‘Retrieve User ID or Password:’ “Click Here” button.
b. Fill in the required data (Must be what is in the database)
i. Your first name
ii. Your email address
c. The database will email you a User ID and Password, two strings of numbers or your previously created ID and Password.
d. Return to the ‘log-in’ page.

C. Using the ‘log-in’ window, log in.
a. Persons having “staff/Volunteer” access to the database must go to ‘Change Role’ and change their access to ‘Church Member’ before continuing. (Note that in this product everybody is considered a “Church Member” for basic access privileges.)

D. To see your pledge or a detailed list of your contributions
a. Select “Stewardship” on left hand menu list.
b. Select “Treasure” from the top line in the window that appears, then do either step c. or d.
c. Select “View Pledges” to see your pledges and how much you have contributed toward each one.
d. To see a detailed list of your contributions
i. Select “Detailed Report” for the calendar year of interest
ii. Select “details” to review how and when your individual contributions have been recorded.

E. How change your ID and Password, if you want to
a. Select “Family Info” on left hand menu list.
b. In the box containing your individual data, on the right hand side is “Change Password”

Contact the Pledge Secretary ( with any needed corrections or any questions on pledges or contributions as recorded, or with questions on using the database.