How to Disagree with a Friend
We’re deep into the ‘politically divided’ time of the year. Many people struggle between taking a stand or keeping things calm, rocking the boat or going with the flow. It is one thing to be strident on social media or with your poster board at a rally. But how do we navigate ‘hot button’ issues … Continue reading How to Disagree with a Friend
- Annual Congregational MeetingJune 9, 2024, 11:45 AM (in Sanctuary shortly after Service)In-Person and Online Zoom MeetingAgenda .. Welcome and Call to Order Approval of Minutes of last Congregational Meeting (June 11, 2023) Approval of Slate of Nominees for 2024-25 Review of 2024-25 Budget and Vote Resolution Vote: The Congregation of UUCB resolves that any reserve at the end of this fiscal year (2023-2024) ...
- New UUCB Events CalendarStarting Monday, October 16, we are using new calendar software and you can view all events via News & Events on the home page main menu. Tip: When you view the new calendar, it defaults to showing all events. When you wish to view only certain types of events, click on the Interest Groups ...
- Endowment Grants for 2023-24The Endowment Committee of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Binghamton is pleased to announce that it has approved the congregation’s grant request for the following: Endowment Loan Interest Forgiveness in the amount of $5,000 $10,000 towards operating funds to support UUCB’s Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Any additional undistributed funds from the amount Endowment has available to grant during this ...
- Susquehanna SocietyThe Susquehanna Society was founded by the Endowment Committee of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Binghamton to recognize people who have contributed to its Endowment or who have expressed a formal commitment to do so. Just as the Susquehanna River flows on timelessly, so does our Endowment continue to serve our congregation forever. Contributors to ...