Speaker: Rev. Douglas Taylor

Spiritually Queer

Most of us do not fit in the boxes society provides for us. The LGBTQ+ community has shown people of faith a path toward ‘coming out’ as our authentic selves. Every faith community can learn to be more accepting, more honest, more affirming and authentic. We hope to see you in person! Our COVID policy … Continue reading Spiritually Queer

Christmas Eve Services

Our 7:00 pm service is our family service with carols and lessons, candle lighting, a story, and our choir. Our 9:00 pm service is quieter and more contemplative. We have candle lighting, carols and lessons, as well as a sermon and special music. All ages are welcome to either service. Bring a plate of cookies … Continue reading Christmas Eve Services

Christmas Eve Services

Our 7:00 pm service is our family service with carols and lessons, candle lighting, a story, and our choir. Our 9:00 pm service is quieter and more contemplative. We have candle lighting, carols and lessons, as well as a sermon and special music. All ages are welcome to either service. Bring a plate of cookies … Continue reading Christmas Eve Services

Spirit Ablaze

Annie Dillard offered a warning to spiritual seekers that sometimes the lure of the light can blind us to dangers. Yet like moths we drawn all the same. Do we need a little more ‘fear and trembling’ in our spirituality? We hope to see you in person! Our COVID policy has been suspended and masking … Continue reading Spirit Ablaze

To Show an Affirming Flame

W.H. Auden wrote “September 1, 1939” about WWII. Our work remains: to build solidarity, to uphold justice, to shine our light, and love bravely in a world too full of desperate loneliness and alienation.  We hope to see you in person! Our COVID policy has been suspended and masking is now optional. Online information ..https://zoom.us/j/95471218370?pwd=aDNjcnhIb3ZSeHlHTjdwanh6c1g1dz09 … Continue reading To Show an Affirming Flame

All I Know, So Far

They say every preacher has only one sermon they keep repeating and reframing and revising over and over. I think mine might be something about healing or maybe grace. Or more likely it is about loving and being loved (I am a Universalist, after all.)   We hope to see you in person! Our COVID policy … Continue reading All I Know, So Far