Topic: Connection

The Great Web

Rev. Darcey Laine (from Athens) and Rev Douglas Taylor (from Binghamton) Multi-Platform – In person Athens, In person Binghamton and on Zoom Our annual partnership service has Rev. Darcey and Rev. Douglas thinking about the many ways living beings are connected with one another in the great web of life.  Together we celebrate the many subtle ways beings impact, … Continue reading The Great Web

Saying The Hardest Word

The Jewish High Holy days are a excellent time for non-Jews to also notice and attend to the work of forgiveness and reconnection. This First Sunday, with the theme of “Deep Listening” will be our invitation into the season. (Join us after service for Workshops!)  We hope to see you in person! Our COVID policy … Continue reading Saying The Hardest Word


Connect with the sacred through the creation of spontaneous sound. Drums and instruments of all kinds welcome — including the built-in ones of feet. We hope to see you in person! Our COVID policy has been suspended and masking is now optional. Online information .. ID: 954 7121 8370Passcode: 069245Phone: +1 929 205 6099 Order … Continue reading Drumchurch!

Letting Love Guide Us: Our Connection with all Beings

We are deeply connected to some animals and compassion and kinship guides those relationships. But modern systems have broken our connection with other animals. Here, we consider how we can reawaken our connection and widen our circle of compassion.  The Rev. Mary Margaret Earl is a longtime Unitarian Universalist minister whose ministry has focused on social justice. She grew up near Binghamton, … Continue reading Letting Love Guide Us: Our Connection with all Beings

The Taming of Foxes

It is a powerful experience to know yourself and to be known by others. Our new Chalice Circles are a way to form ties with others and to deepen your self-knowledge. Our groups strengthen the heart of our community through meaning-making and simple friendships. We hope to see you in person! Our COVID policy has been suspended … Continue reading The Taming of Foxes

Grandma’s Hands

Trauma takes up residence in our bodies. Healing also begins with our bodies. Remembering, or perhaps we could say, “re-member-ing” ourselves as individuals is not done in isolation. We need communities where the healing can ripple out.  We hope to see you in person! Our COVID policy has been suspended and masking is now optional. … Continue reading Grandma’s Hands


UU musician Jim Scott wrote a song that starts with the line, “May your life be as a song, resounding with the dawn to sing awake the light.” How in today’s world can we greet the day with this kind of courage? It is our intention to wake the glimmer of this song in each … Continue reading Courage

Rooted in Beauty

We are meant to be connected. We are meant to have roots that go down and also runners that travel out! We are meant to be in this together so we all might thrive. All this isolation and division around us cannot last and does not serve. We are meant to be connected. We hope … Continue reading Rooted in Beauty