Topic: Community

Church: Why Bother?

The trends are upon us! Attendance and participation in religious communities are declining in the US across the board. This has been going on for a while, but the pandemic increased things. Maybe there are good reasons for not attending that we can learn from. What do people need today that we could offer?  Our … Continue reading Church: Why Bother?

The HeaRT of our Congregation

We all want a strong community at UUCB, and a big part of that is learning how to have healthy conflict.  Learning how to express our full selves, even when we disagree, frees up our spiritual and emotional energy to care for each other and pursue our mission.  Come learn about how the Healthy Relations … Continue reading The HeaRT of our Congregation

Finding Hope in Difficult Times: Mental Health Struggles Affect Us All

“There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.” (John Green) Whether you have lost your job, dealt with grief or having a child, life is difficult sometimes and it’s easy to feel alone. Let’s consider how our community can make you feel more connected. Our Summer Services (July 2 through September 3) … Continue reading Finding Hope in Difficult Times: Mental Health Struggles Affect Us All

Disabled Joy: Honoring Disability Pride Month

In a world where Disabled folks/people with disabilities face lifelong challenges, it’s important to remember that we have talents and strengths, as well as joys to celebrate. This service aims to suggest that we do not just need to be aware of ministering to people with disabilities/Disabled folks (accessibility, etc.) but to encourage folks with … Continue reading Disabled Joy: Honoring Disability Pride Month


Join us for our annual ceremony to honor the passages and transitions in the life of our congregation. We will celebrate our new members and read the names of all those who have had a birth, marriage, or death from within our congregation. Following this service, we will have our Annual meeting and then our … Continue reading Passages

Holding the Ribbons, Dancing Between the Worlds of the Past, Present, and Future

The holiday of Beltaine offers a sense of how we see the world. We hold ribbons honoring life transitions experienced over the past year or years, current events, or with an eye towards future hopes and dreams. Possibly, when we look at our church and organizations, this same dynamic is occurring and could be either … Continue reading Holding the Ribbons, Dancing Between the Worlds of the Past, Present, and Future

Come Alive

We often over-individualize our vision of what it takes for someone to flourish, and that a great many social supports are necessary to make human flourishing possible. I’ll outline in broad strokes examples of the essentially social dimensions of human development in the history of Judaism and Christianity. Humans grow into more of psycho-social and … Continue reading Come Alive

Rooted in Beauty

We are meant to be connected. We are meant to have roots that go down and also runners that travel out! We are meant to be in this together so we all might thrive. All this isolation and division around us cannot last and does not serve. We are meant to be connected. We hope … Continue reading Rooted in Beauty