Speaker: Rev. Gary Doupe

Hope for the Holy Land – Prophets Among Us:  Don and Maya Peretz

Don Peretz taught Middle East Studies at SUNY-Binghamton from 1966-1992, retiring as Professor Emeritus. His doctoral dissertation was the first ever written about the plight of Palestinian refugees, following World War II and the declaration of the State of Israel as a political entity.  Don, a pacifist, served in the U.S. Army and later volunteered with AFSC (the Quakers) to help resettle Palestinians in northern Israel.   Don’s wife Maya was a Jewish … Continue reading Hope for the Holy Land – Prophets Among Us:  Don and Maya Peretz

Come Alive

We often over-individualize our vision of what it takes for someone to flourish, and that a great many social supports are necessary to make human flourishing possible. I’ll outline in broad strokes examples of the essentially social dimensions of human development in the history of Judaism and Christianity. Humans grow into more of psycho-social and … Continue reading Come Alive