Speaker: Rev. Douglas Taylor

Liberative Faith

Scientists, Social Activists, and Spiritual Sages agree – a revolutionary love is what we need at this time in history. We need a love that will ferment new possibilities for our communities and our world https://zoom.us/j/97989696520?pwd=ZG9NclFYQm9VV0NTb2VhNVM0R00xQT09 Meeting ID: 979 8969 6520 Passcode: 183183Phone: +1 929 205 6099 Order of Service: uubinghamton.org/order-of-service/ UUCB Zoom Social Hour We also … Continue reading Liberative Faith

Fields of Promise

We are done building, now we must fill the rooms. We have sown the fields through the years, our labor has been good and productive. Harvest is nigh and it is our time to live our mission in full. https://zoom.us/j/97989696520?pwd=ZG9NclFYQm9VV0NTb2VhNVM0R00xQT09 Meeting ID: 979 8969 6520 Passcode: 183183Phone: +1 929 205 6099 Order of Service: uubinghamton.org/order-of-service/ UUCB Zoom … Continue reading Fields of Promise

How to Take Down White Supremacy

I’ve read the books and attended the seminars and had my consciousness raised about my White Privilege. Now what? What is the next step in dealing with racism and oppression around me? https://zoom.us/j/97989696520?pwd=ZG9NclFYQm9VV0NTb2VhNVM0R00xQT09 Meeting ID: 979 8969 6520 Passcode: 183183Phone: +1 929 205 6099 Order of Service: uubinghamton.org/order-of-service/ UUCB Zoom Social Hour We also host a Zoom Social … Continue reading How to Take Down White Supremacy

Heal the World

January 11, 2019 is the date of the first death attributed to CoVid-19. After one year, we have more than 1.5 million dead worldwide. With intention and grace, we can bring healing to the world. https://zoom.us/j/97989696520?pwd=ZG9NclFYQm9VV0NTb2VhNVM0R00xQT09 Meeting ID: 979 8969 6520 Passcode: 183183Phone: +1 929 205 6099 Order of Service: uubinghamton.org/order-of-service/ Town Hall MeetingOur Renovation Steering Committee … Continue reading Heal the World

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve services will be at 7:00 pm and 9:00 pm on Zoom.Our services will feature special music along with stories and brief readings at the 7 o’clock service suitable for families; and a homily and deeper readings at the 9 o’clock. We will have harp and flute and piano music, and we have a way to … Continue reading Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve services will be at 7:00 pm and 9:00 pm on Zoom.Our services will feature special music along with stories and brief readings at the 7 o’clock service suitable for families; and a homily and deeper readings at the 9 o’clock. We will have harp and flute and piano music, and we have a way to … Continue reading Christmas Eve

Removing Our Shoes

We UUs make a point to approach many holy days with appreciation. Each December we consider the lessons and values of Advent, Hannukah, Solstice, and other similar holidays. https://zoom.us/j/97989696520?pwd=ZG9NclFYQm9VV0NTb2VhNVM0R00xQT09 Meeting ID: 979 8969 6520 Passcode: 183183Phone: +1 929 205 6099 Order of Service: uubinghamton.org/order-of-service/ UUCB Zoom Social Hour We also host a Zoom Social Hour at 11:45 after our … Continue reading Removing Our Shoes

Health of the Self

Left-handedness is no longer seen as sinister. Yet mental illness still carries the stigma of ‘moral failing’ and ‘character flaw.’  Let me share some of what I’ve learned along my own Mental Health journey. https://zoom.us/j/97989696520?pwd=ZG9NclFYQm9VV0NTb2VhNVM0R00xQT09 Meeting ID: 979 8969 6520 Passcode: 183183Phone: +1 929 205 6099 Order of Service: uubinghamton.org/order-of-service/ UUCB Zoom Social Hour We also host … Continue reading Health of the Self

Babble and Gratitude

With all the noise and disharmony in the world, let us gather for a Sunday full of of gratitude. We will have a dramatic story, some good music, and a few deeper thoughts on where we are as a community and what’s next – thankfully.  https://zoom.us/j/97989696520?pwd=ZG9NclFYQm9VV0NTb2VhNVM0R00xQT09 Meeting ID: 979 8969 6520 Passcode: 183183Phone: +1 929 205 6099 Order … Continue reading Babble and Gratitude

The Blessing in the Breaking

Let us honor imperfections, flaws, quirks, mistakes, foibles, and failures – the cracks that let the light in. We can be better at recognizing the blessings hidden in the broken places of our lives. https://zoom.us/j/97989696520?pwd=ZG9NclFYQm9VV0NTb2VhNVM0R00xQT09 Meeting ID: 979 8969 6520 Passcode: 183183Phone: +1 929 205 6099 Order of Service: uubinghamton.org/order-of-service/ UUCB Zoom Social Hour We also host … Continue reading The Blessing in the Breaking