Speaker: Trebbe Johnson

Attending the Earth

As climate change alters our relationship with the Earth, we can meet some of the challenges not just physically, but emotionally and spiritually as well. By creating new attitudes and practices for “attending the Earth,” we can stand by what we love as it goes through changes we abhor and, at the same time, discover … Continue reading Attending the Earth

Let Beauty Seduce You

In the midst of suffering, it’s possible to be seized by a sight or sound or action whose startling beauty pierces your heart. Such beauty doesn’t necessarily diminish the anguish, but it does give us a glimpse into something vital and wondrous. Do we dare to grab hold of such moments when they visit us? … Continue reading Let Beauty Seduce You

Earth Hospice

How can we live with the great challenges of climate change without falling into despair or focusing only on the practical things we can do in our lives? One way is to bring mindful attention and ceremony to that which is passing. We hope to see you in person! Masks are optional. Here is the … Continue reading Earth Hospice

Grief is a Trickster

https://zoom.us/j/97989696520?pwd=ZG9NclFYQm9VV0NTb2VhNVM0R00xQT09 Meeting ID: 979 8969 6520 Passcode: 183183Phone: +1 929 205 6099 Order of Service: uubinghamton.org/order-of-service/ UUCB Zoom Social Hour We also host a Zoom Social Hour at 11:45 after our service. In that session we will take a minute for any special announcements before doing our usual break-out rooms. Same Zoom information as for the service.

Heal the World

January 11, 2019 is the date of the first death attributed to CoVid-19. After one year, we have more than 1.5 million dead worldwide. With intention and grace, we can bring healing to the world. https://zoom.us/j/97989696520?pwd=ZG9NclFYQm9VV0NTb2VhNVM0R00xQT09 Meeting ID: 979 8969 6520 Passcode: 183183Phone: +1 929 205 6099 Order of Service: uubinghamton.org/order-of-service/ Town Hall MeetingOur Renovation Steering Committee … Continue reading Heal the World

Punch Out of the Avalanche

In times of sorrow or anxiety, we may feel the only solution is to wriggle deeper into our darkness and wait for rescue. However, it’s often by making a bold, risky gesture that has no promise of success that we discover both light and delight.

Reconfiguring Our Sanctuary

On this, our last service at UUCB before renovations begin, we explore the meaning of “sanctuary” and how we might reconfigure that place and that concept in the coming months. Note that this abbreviated service will begin at 10:00 AM and end at 10:45 with a good-bye ceremony to UUCB. Afterwards, those who wish to … Continue reading Reconfiguring Our Sanctuary