Committees and Groups

Note: For more detailed committee information, log in and go to the Members section.
Adult Programs: Provides the congregation and community with educational programs throughout the year. Programs may be of a spiritual, cultural, or ethical nature
Board of Trustees: Meets monthly to set policy, further the mission and vision of the congregation, and ensure the financial sustainability of the congregation.
Capital Campaign Steering Committee: Coordinates and oversees our building renovation project. Responsible for obtaining feedback from the congregation and providing ongoing communication of our progress to the congregation.
Caring Team: Reaches out to members of the congregation and provides help in times of need. Also provides refreshments for memorial services if requested.
Communications Technology: Our IT department responsible for all of the technology (both hardware and software) associated with our communications.
Connecting UU Young Adults: Reaches out to and supports young adults in the congregation.
Denominational Affairs: Connects UUCB to the work of the UUA and the Central Eastern Region.
Endowment Committee: Charged with the stewardship of the congregation’s Endowment. It is responsible for the raising, administration and disbursement of Endowment funds.
Family Ministry: Works with the Director of Family Ministry to develop vibrant and meaningful UU education for all ages.
Fellowship Fun: Schedules potlucks, Dining for Dollars, Game night and other fun events!
Finance: Performs all banking and accounting functions. Considers/ makes recommendations to the Board about budgeting.
Green Sanctuary: Promotes sustainable living and earth justice for the congregation, our community, and the world.
Leader Development and Resources Committee: Committed to encouraging volunteerism as a form of ministry, LDR provides leadership training and resources, and recruits nominees for election at the congregation’s annual meeting.
Membership Committee: Works with the Membership Coordinator to insure that visitors, and new attendees, are recognized and given information to help them become engaged with the activities of the congregation.
Personnel Committee: Charged with ensuring the fair treatment of all paid staff and carrying out the Board’s responsibilities as an employer.
Program Council: Comprised of leaders of each committee, this group plans and coordinates the annual calendar of activities.
Property Committee: Dedicated to the care and maintenance of the building and grounds. Called upon for repairs, emergencies, signage, security, grounds work, and envisioning future needs.
Rainbow Alliance/PRIDE: To foster understanding and support for persons of all sexual orientations and gender identities.
Small Group Ministry: Facilitated groups of 6-10 people. Twice monthly meetings foster close personal connections and explore spiritual topics.
Social Action HUUB: To alert and educate congregants about issues that affect us locally, nationally, and globally. To inspire congregants to act in ways that will prevent harm, promote justice, and improve the human condition.
Stewardship: Responsible for the annual pledge campaign held each spring.
UU Pagans: A group for those UUs who identify with our UU Sixth Source – spiritual teachings of earth-centered traditions.
Worship: Coordinates worship services, including speakers and lay-led summer services.