This link takes you to the sermon archive on the main page of our minister’s website. The sermon archive often includes the manuscript and video of select sermons.
The sermon is an interplay of three elements. It consists of a modern sports story, an ancient Hebrew text involving the patriarch Moses, and an equally ancient Zen parable. I hope, by bringing these elements together, to offer a bit of guidance for living our lives in these times with grace and optimism.Reverend Suggs is … Continue reading Tennis, Rocks and Strawberries
Most of us do not fit in the boxes society provides for us. The LGBTQ+ community has shown people of faith a path toward ‘coming out’ as our authentic selves. Every faith community can learn to be more accepting, more honest, more affirming and authentic. We hope to see you in person or online. For … Continue reading Spiritually Queer
This month’s theme is ‘Inclusion,’ and this is exciting because Inclusion is a central theme of Unitarian Universalism all the time! But every group must have some limits, right? What are our limits? We hope to see you in person or online. For in person, masking is optional. Online information .. ID: 954 7121 8370Passcode: 069245Phone: +1 … Continue reading Who Is Not Welcome?