Topic: Liberation

Liberative Faith

Scientists, Social Activists, and Spiritual Sages agree – a revolutionary love is what we need at this time in history. We need a love that will ferment new possibilities for our communities and our world Meeting ID: 979 8969 6520 Passcode: 183183Phone: +1 929 205 6099 Order of Service: UUCB Zoom Social Hour We also … Continue reading Liberative Faith

Freedom Over Me

Storytelling is a powerful tool for the work of liberation, yet what is not on the page is often more telling than what is. Using the work of writer and illustrator Ashley Bryan, we will explore some stories of enslaved Africans and celebrate the richness of their human lives. Rev. Kimberley Debus is a community … Continue reading Freedom Over Me


Special guest minister, Rev. Erin Dajka Holley. Poised to fall, let us consider the possibility instead of a hard landing, a launching forward. The Rev. Erin Dajka Holley is a lifelong Unitarian Universalist and has served as the minister of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Utica since August 2018. She lives in Utica, NY with her … Continue reading “Bounce”

Earth, Teach Me

What would it look like if all our politics, all our justice-making, were managed after the model of an old-growth forest? What does nature “know” that we can learn from to better manage our society?

Easter Inside

Sunday services at UUCB are virtual until further notice. See the Members section or the latest e-Beacon for instructions. The Easter story is a message of life rising triumphant over adversity and death. With story and song, let us consider what this message offers us today.

What Is Freedom For?

Sunday services at UUCB are virtual until further notice. Join the online meeting:, Meeting ID: 574 923 7292Zoom Basics PDF Our theme this month is “Liberation,” and we start with the quote from Toni Morrison who said: “The function of freedom is to free someone else.” Come, let’s get started again.