Topic: Beloved Community


Why do you come to church?  Do you think of your church as being beloved, or do you reserve that word just for people, plants and pets?  Love is at the very center of Unitarian Universalism, but what does that mean?  How is it practiced? We hope to see you in person or online. For … Continue reading Beloved?

Family Ministry Sunday

We hope to see you in person! Masks are required. Here is the current in-person gathering policy. Online information .. Meeting ID: 979 8969 6520 Passcode: 183183Phone: +1 929 205 6099 Order of Service: Immediately following the service, we will have a Town Hall opportunity to learn about the proposed 2022-23 budget and the Beach Party … Continue reading Family Ministry Sunday

Be A Wetland: Appreciating and Protecting Life in Unitarian Universalist Community

Like a wetland, something magical happens in UU communities.  When we are accepted, nurtured, and challenged, together we can make the world a better place.  But we need to make sure we support and protect these valuable spaces. We hope to see you in person! Masks are required. Here is the current in-person gathering policy. Online information … Continue reading Be A Wetland: Appreciating and Protecting Life in Unitarian Universalist Community

Memory Tree

The Day of the Dead, Halloween, Samhain, and All Souls Day are all different cultural invitations into honoring the transition from life to death, of remembering loved ones we have lost. This Sunday we will host a Memory Tree ritual together for our First Sunday worship at 10:30. After, we will host a handful of … Continue reading Memory Tree

UUA General Assembly

We will view a livestream of the Sunday service at the UUA General Assembly. Meeting ID: 979 8969 6520 Passcode: 183183Phone: +1 929 205 6099 UUCB Zoom Social Hour We also host a Zoom Social Hour at 11:45 after our service. In that session we will take a minute for any special announcements before doing our usual break-out … Continue reading UUA General Assembly

Liberative Faith

Scientists, Social Activists, and Spiritual Sages agree – a revolutionary love is what we need at this time in history. We need a love that will ferment new possibilities for our communities and our world Meeting ID: 979 8969 6520 Passcode: 183183Phone: +1 929 205 6099 Order of Service: UUCB Zoom Social Hour We also … Continue reading Liberative Faith

Freedom Over Me

Storytelling is a powerful tool for the work of liberation, yet what is not on the page is often more telling than what is. Using the work of writer and illustrator Ashley Bryan, we will explore some stories of enslaved Africans and celebrate the richness of their human lives. Rev. Kimberley Debus is a community … Continue reading Freedom Over Me

Side with Love Sunday

What if to “side with love” meant making bold, faith-full choices? What if it were even a little bit scary? This worship service brings together worship leaders and musicians from across the country to offer hopeful, moving, challenging reminders about what we, as Unitarian Universalists, are called to do, and BE, in the world. Meeting … Continue reading Side with Love Sunday