Speaker: Rev. Douglas Taylor

Christmas Eve Service 

Gather in the sanctuary for stories and music to celebrate Christmas eve. This service will be held live and also streamed on Zoom. We hope to see you in person! Online information ..https://zoom.us/j/97989696520?pwd=ZG9NclFYQm9VV0NTb2VhNVM0R00xQT09 Meeting ID: 979 8969 6520 Passcode: 183183Phone: +1 929 205 6099 Order of Service: uubinghamton.org/order-of-service/ UUCB Social Hour You are invited to join the … Continue reading Christmas Eve Service 

The Fire in Your Bowl 

The world around us (and sometimes within) needs more joy, more of us bringing light and life to every situation. As Howard Thurman famously said, “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” We hope to … Continue reading The Fire in Your Bowl 

How This All Gets Better

Reproductive rights are being undermined, our democracy has taken a heavy political blow, Nazis are back in the public square, our society is divided, and corporations continue to post record profits while regular folks suffer economically. And it is not mere pablum when I affirm: even still, all these fascists are bound to lose. We … Continue reading How This All Gets Better

This Earth, This Spirit

While attending church every Sunday is good, I’ve learned that it is not usually a transformative, identity-shaping experience. That happens more reliably in two other settings: during retreats (such as our annual Spirituality Retreat) and at camp (such as Unirondack). We hope to see you in person! Here is the current in-person gathering policy. Online … Continue reading This Earth, This Spirit

Shaking the Faith

This is going to happen. The “Seven Principles” will be revised, rewritten, replaced. These particular words and phrases have been powerfully important to us for more than a generation. But they are going to be changed. What won’t change is the values and message behind the words. We hope to see you in person! Here … Continue reading Shaking the Faith

Rooted in Beauty

We are meant to be connected. We are meant to have roots that go down and also runners that travel out! We are meant to be in this together so we all might thrive. All this isolation and division around us cannot last and does not serve. We are meant to be connected. We hope … Continue reading Rooted in Beauty

Agreements and Tensions

Over the centuries, we UUs have kept a ‘freedom of conscience’ concept in our central definitions of ourselves. We are not going to insist we all believe the same. This means we have some significant tensions around our beliefs. I find this makes them more interesting to explore! We hope to see you in person! … Continue reading Agreements and Tensions

A Harbor of Hope

This Sunday afternoon we will open our building to visitors as part of the Sacred Sites Tours. Is there something particular about our theology and our message that can be seen in our building? Let us consider tangible ways our faith shows up around our space. We hope to see you in person! Masks are … Continue reading A Harbor of Hope

Soul Stories

I love a good story. Many stories have nourished my soul. Not all of them are profound or necessarily spiritual, although many are. This morning let me share a sampling of the better stories that have aided me in my journey.  We hope to see you in person! Masks are required. Here is the current … Continue reading Soul Stories