Speaker: Rev. Douglas Taylor


Our Annual worship to recognize the births, marriages, and deaths in our congregation. We also honor New Members who have joined this year and we do our Bridging ceremony for our youth. The service is followed by our Annual Meeting.

Rowing Toward Home

We’ve been out at sea for a while now. What have we learned during our time in self-quarantine – about ourselves, about our faith, and about the world around us?  What will we become?

Cacophony and Symphony

Dr. King talked about a choice between chaos and community – is it a choice? There must be a trick, because why would anyone not choose community? Bonus: This Sunday will be our annual Flower Communion Ceremony. For an online version of this, please take a photo (or many photos) of your flower(s) and send … Continue reading Cacophony and Symphony

Standing in the Doorway

Finding the balance – the healthy tension – between ‘keeping things steady’ and ‘shaking it up,’ we can sometimes get stuck trying to make progress without losing anything important.

Earth, Teach Me

What would it look like if all our politics, all our justice-making, were managed after the model of an old-growth forest? What does nature “know” that we can learn from to better manage our society?

Racism Re-Branded

Sunday services at UUCB are virtual until further notice. Join the online meeting:  https://zoom.us/j/5749237292, Meeting ID: 574 923 7292Zoom Basics PDF The conversation about racism has shifted among UUs into a conversation about White Supremacy Culture. Why? What does it mean? And why has this become our religious movement’s biggest conversation?

Intimacy: How to stay in touch without touching.

Sunday services at UUCB are virtual until further notice. https://douglastaylor.org/2020/03/23/how-to-stay-in-touch-without-touching/ March 22    “Intimacy: How to stay in touch without touching.” During our Pandemic, we are told to abide by the rules of Social Distancing. How do we do this without also socially isolating? How do we do this when our UU congregation’s identity is … Continue reading Intimacy: How to stay in touch without touching.

Mary, Maya, Maria

https://douglastaylor.org/2020/03/23/mary-maya-maria/ There are certain poets we UUs returns to time and again in our worship. Their poetry touches our values and stirs our spirits. Come, gather around to hear the wisdom of some of our favorite poets.

Because We All Have Wings

https://douglastaylor.org/2020/02/10/because-we-all-have-wings/ When did you learn about your resilience? When were you fooled into believing you could not rise? Your power is not found in never falling down, it is instead found in regularly rising back up.