Meeting the Great Queen of Heaven

In the Bible, Jeremiah speaks of a “Queen of Heaven” that the women bake cakes for, but little is known of Her. Who is She? What is Her name? What happened to Her? Join us as we uncover the answers to these questions and take a closer look at other women of the Bible. Let us look at the Her-story of the Feminine Divine and how She and other women for the past few thousand years have been silenced, devalued, hidden and dethroned. Come! Let us meet the Great Queen of Heaven!

We hope to see you in person! Our COVID policy has been suspended and masking is now optional.

Online information ..
Meeting ID: 954 7121 8370
Passcode: 069245

Phone: +1 929 205 6099

Order of Service:

UUCB Social Hour

You are invited to join the in-person social hour after the service. We also host a Zoom social hour then. In that session we will take a minute for any special announcements before doing our usual break-out rooms. Same Zoom information as for the service.

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