Welcome and Announcements 

Passing the Peace

Prelude         Sarabande          Edvard Grieg 

Opening Words  #634           On Turning          by Jack Riemer

*Doxology     From all that dwell below the skies

Let songs of hope and faith arise;

Let peace, good will on earth be sung

Through every land, by every tongue.

 *Covenant                                                                                               Love is the spirit of this congregation and service is its life.                                           This is our great covenant: to dwell together in peace,                                                    To seek the truth in love, and to help one another.                                               James Vila Blake (adapted)

*Chalice Lighting          by Erik Walker Wikstrom

*Hymn #112 Do You Hear?

Story for all ages The Hardest Word by Jacqueline Jules

Offertory             Andante        C. W. Gluck

Prayer and Hymn #1037                          We Begin Again in Love

Reflection        Listening for the Healing Shift                                                                                                                                 Rev. Douglas Taylor

*Hymn #219                              Oh Hear My People

*Chalice Extinguishing (unison) by Elizabeth S. Jones

  We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth,

             the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment,

            These we carry in our hearts until we are together again.

Benediction                                            from Gates of Repentance

Postlude            Canon in D       Johann Pachelbel


*please stand in body or spirit

Tech Support, UUCB Stream Team

Listening devices are available from the ushers.

Join us after the service today for workshops for all ages and a special presentation about the NY Equal Rights Amendment.


*please stand in body or spirit

Worship Associate: Ann Foard,  Tech Support, UUCB Stream Team

Listening devices are available from the ushers.


*please stand in body or spirit

Tech Support, Becca Boerger, UUCB Stream Team

Listening devices are available from the ushers.

Community Blood Drive at UUCB: We are excited to host our second red cross blood drive at UUCB on Tuesday, October 1 from 1-6pm. Make your appointment at redcross.org.

Chalice Circles are beginning!  These small groups are a means of connecting with other UUs and having intimate conversations.  Each group has trained co-facilitators.  Meetings will begin in October and you have till the end of the month to signup. Signup sheets are across from the office.  You’ll see the dates, times and facilitators for each group.  Pick one that is good for you & signup!  There’s a maximum of 9 people per group so signup soon!

Second Saturday Suppers: Enjoy a home made meal for a reasonable price on the second Saturday of each month at 5:30 in the social hall. October 12 – baked ziti, salad, coconut cake          November 9 – stuffed peppers, Texas toast, carrot cake

Format/prices will remain the same- $6 main dish, $3 side dish, $3 dessert. Folks are encouraged to eat in or bring own containers for take out. Cash is preferred.

We will be taking December off as we will both be involved with the Art and Gift Sale kitchen again. Second Saturday Suppers will resume in January.

This will continue to be a general fund fundraiser.

Building Bridges Periodical ; Do you want updates on what is happening in our greater community? Do you like sharing your thoughts and opinions on social justice? Do you enjoy reading other people’s thoughts and opinions about social justice? 

The Social Action HUUB publishes a monthly periodical called Building Bridges Periodical.

To subscribe and get the submission guidelines, email buildingbridgesmonthly@uubinghamton.org.

Camera Free Zone: Just so you know, the last 3 rows of the sanctuary are never in range of our online cameras.

Adult Sexuality Education Opportunities

Join Adult Sexuality Educator Catherine Magdala in a conversation! In this conversation, you can anonymously help her customize what workshops she offers in the future. This conversation will include a presentation and discussion activity. Catherine is trained in Adult OWL but is not offering OWL at this time; it is included in her sources. Pick one of these dates and RSVP by contacting Catherine at catherinemagdala613@gmail.com 

· Thursday, October 3, 2024, at 6 pm, on Zoom

· Sunday, October 13, 2024, at noon, in person

Social Hour : If you would like to help out with social hour, contact Ron Clupper at 607-727-8516 for more information. Also, any treats we have during social hour are donated, so feel free to bring something to share on a Sunday.

Can and Bottle drive: We are collecting cans and bottles in the back parking lot to donate to Church in the Wild’s “Laundry Love Fund” which provides a free laundry night once a month at Leroy Laundry in our neighborhood. You can also donate directly to the cause by visiting tinyurl.com/freelaundrynight

Find out about all that is happening at UUCB! Watch for twice a week emails, check out our Facebook group (UUCB Members and Friends) and our Facebook page for your current monthly Beacon Newsletter. There are printed copies of the newsletter in the wall file outside the office and at the info desk, or you can request that a copy be mailed to you at home by asking Karen in the office. Also, check out our calendar of events by clicking the “News and Events” button on our website.

Cranberry Coffeehouse: Cranberry Coffeehouse hosts a live music performance on the 3rd Saturday of the month in the UUCB Sanctuary. Coffee, tea and treats are available for sale as a fundraiser for UUCB during intermission. Suggested donation for the performance is $10, but no one will be turned away for an inability to pay.

Can and Bottle drive: We are collecting cans and bottles in the back parking lot to donate to Church in the Wild’s “Laundry Love Fund” which provides a free laundry night once a month at Leroy Laundry in our neighborhood. You can also donate directly to the cause by visiting tinyurl.com/freelaundrynight

Find out about all that is happening at UUCB! Watch for twice a week emails, check out our Facebook group (UUCB Members and Friends) and our public Facebook page. There is a monthly newsletter, The Beacon, available too.  There are printed copies of the newsletter in the wall file outside the office and at the info desk, or you can request that a copy be mailed to you at home by asking Karen in the office. Also, check out our calendar of events by clicking the “News and Events” button on our website.

Camera Free Zone: Just so you know, the last 3 rows of the sanctuary are never in range of our online cameras.

Community Blood Drive at UUCB: We are excited to host our second red cross blood drive at UUCB on Tuesday, October 1 from 1-6pm. Make your appointment at redcross.org.

Election Day Chili Sale: UUCB is a polling place for this year’s presidential election. We will be having a fundraising chili sale that day as well. Questions? Talk to Jean Rose-Klein. 

The Social Action HUUB exists to support the creation and maintenance of social action teams. You can either brainstorm an idea for a social action project and then fill out an application on the HUUB bulletin board or sign up to be on someone else’s team. The teams are listed on the bulletin board. If you have any requests, thoughts, or questions, please get in touch with the HUUB at huub@uubinghamton.org.

Broome County Housing Crisis Presentation

Sunday, October 20 at noon

Learn about the housing crisis in Broome County and find out how we can help.  Fair Housing expert Rebecca Rathmell will  explain the problem in detail, outline workable solutions, and suggest ways we can get involved.  The Program Council and HUUB endorse this presentation and encourage members of our congregation to attend the presentation and help to solve this social justice problem.  

Guided by a commitment to individual worth and community solidarity, Rebecca Rathmell is a persistent and passionate advocate for increased access to safe, affordable housing for extremely low-income and vulnerable populations. With over 15 years of experience in the homeless services sector and expertise in HUD CoC and ESG program planning and outcomes analysis, she assists service providers, grass roots and faith-based organizations, municipal leadership, and regional representatives in identifying and addressing issues of homelessness and housing instability.

What Are You Reading?

As another way to build connection and a sense of community, Jan Fiore is  offering to publish a list of things we have been reading and liking. You are invited to make  your suggestion known by sending her an email at janicefiore@gmail.com  Either fiction or nonfiction, something you thought was worth reading. I’ll include it in the month’s Beacon, e-Blast, and UU Facebook page for your consideration.

As a follow-up to this Monday’s  the talk introducing Braver Angels, I want to recommend I Never Thought of It That Way by Monica Guzman. It’s in our library for you to borrow. The library is next to Reverend Taylor’s office.