Order of Service    July 21,  2024

Welcome and Announcements

Passing the Peace

Prelude            Star Trek music          

Opening Words           Science in Society 1964                      Richard Feynman

*Doxology                  (From all that dwell below the sky)

*Covenant       (Love is the spirit of this congregation, and service is its life

*Chalice Lighting       Erwin Schrodinger

*Hymn #86  Blessed Spirit of My Life

Joys and Sorrows

Offertory         Journey to the Center of the Mind                  Amboy Dukes                        

Spoken Meditation      On Knowing               Richard Feynman

Silent Meditation        

Hymn #123                 Spirit of Life

(Spirit of Life, come unto me.)

Reading           The Pleasure of Finding Things Out              Richard Feynman

Musical Interlude        Wherever You Will Go                       The Calling

Sermon            Your Quantum Mechanical Afterlife               Gay Canough 

*Hymn #347   Gather the Spirit

*Chalice Extinguishing (unison)        by Elizabeth S. Jones

(We extinguish this flame,)

Benediction     The Big Picture           Sean Carroll   

Postlude           I Know You’re Out There Somewhere                       Moody Blues


*please stand in body or spirit

Jenne Micale – Worship Associate

Alex Lehman – tech support

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Binghamton

Can and Bottle drive: We are collecting cans and bottles in the back parking lot to donate to Church in the Wild’s “Laundry Love Fund” which provides a free laundry night once a month at Leroy Laundry in our neighborhood. You can also donate directly to the cause by visiting tinyurl.com/freelaundrynight

Find out about all that is happening at UUCB! Watch for twice a week emails, check out our Facebook group (UUCB Members and Friends) and our Facebook page for your current monthly Beacon Newsletter. There are printed copies of the newsletter in the wall file outside the office and at the info desk, or you can request that a copy be mailed to you at home by asking Karen in the office. Also, check out our new calendar of events by clicking the “News and Events” button on our website.

Social Hour : If you would like to help out with social hour, contact Ron Clupper or Carl Cohen for more information. Also, All of the treats we have during social hour are donated, so feel free to bring something to share on a Sunday.


Dressing the Chancel Table

Each week, the Chancel Table displays the beautiful Chalice that symbolizes our faith. The chalice is the focal point. Over the years, it has become a tradition to enhance the chalice with a table cover, candles, and other items that may speak to the theme of the day.

If you would like to volunteer to continue this focal point tradition, please put your name on the sign up sheet for the Sunday of your choice. You may use items and table covers found in the focal point closet and/or bring items from your home. Your arrangement is your expression and can be simple or elaborate. If you have questions, text Hope Post (607 727-1956) or contact members of the Worship Committee.