A New Normal?

We’ve heard about a “new normal” for the past year. Many people have also said that “normal” is just a setting on the washing machine. We might take pride in being unique. And yet, when it comes to the way we judge or accept others, it often comes down to how well another person fits our personal definition of “normal.” How can we draw the circle of welcome wider and still embrace our own sense of individuality?

Dr. Randy Partain is a fellowshipped minister with the Unitarian Universalist Association, serving Tapestry Unitarian Universalist Church in Houston, Texas. His primary focus during this pandemic year has been deepening community connection through nurturing spiritual development and vibrant small group ministry. He passionately defines ministry as inviting people into a deeper relationship with themselves, deeper connection with others, and deeper awareness of the world we all share.

Meeting ID: 979 8969 6520 
Passcode: 183183
Phone: +1 929 205 6099

Order of Service: uubinghamton.org/order-of-service/

UUCB Zoom Social Hour

We also host a Zoom Social Hour at 11:45 after our service. In that session we will take a minute for any special announcements before doing our usual break-out rooms. Same Zoom information as for the service.

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