Category: News

Annual Congregational Meeting

June 9, 2024, 11:45 AM (in Sanctuary shortly after Service)In-Person and Online Zoom MeetingAgenda .. Welcome and Call to Order Approval of Minutes of last Congregational Meeting (June 11, 2023) Approval of Slate of Nominees for 2024-25 Review of 2024-25 Budget and Vote Resolution Vote: The Congregation of UUCB resolves that any reserve at the … Continue reading Annual Congregational Meeting

New UUCB Events Calendar

Starting Monday, October 16, we are using new calendar software and you can view all events via News & Events on the home page main menu. Tip: When you view the new calendar, it defaults to showing all events. When you wish to view only certain types of events, click on the Interest Groups button … Continue reading New UUCB Events Calendar

Endowment Grants for 2023-24

The Endowment Committee of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Binghamton is pleased to announce that it has approved the congregation’s grant request for the following: All the funds available for grants for the 2024 grant cycle have been used to meet this request.  Therefore there will be no call for proposals for other grants in … Continue reading Endowment Grants for 2023-24

Susquehanna Society

The Susquehanna Society was founded by the Endowment Committee of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Binghamton to recognize people who have contributed to its Endowment or who have expressed a formal commitment to do so.  Just as the Susquehanna River flows on timelessly, so does our Endowment continue to serve our congregation forever.  Contributors to … Continue reading Susquehanna Society