Be Kind to All Kinds

Our monthly theme is “Pluralism.” We can talk about our differences and celebrate them! With kindness as a guide, we have what we need to build something amazing together! Join us after worship for our 1st Sunday Workshops.

We hope to see you in person! Our COVID policy has been suspended and masking is now optional.

Online information .. 
Meeting ID: 979 8969 6520 
Passcode: 183183
Phone: +1 929 205 6099

Order of Service:

First Sunday Workshops 

Co-creating a Chalice Banner” with Pat Chirumbolo in the Social Hall. Join in making a banner for our sanctuary using handprints cut from colored felt. Trace and cut your handprints during the workshop, and Pat will take them home and shape the prints into a chalice design mounted on a fabric background. Fun for all ages!
“Faith in Action: Blessing Bags” with Karen Manzer in the Social Hall.
We will assemble bags of helpful items to keep in our cars and hand out to people we see in the community that could use them. If you have any of the following items that you could contribute to this project, please bring them with you on Sunday: gallon Zip Loc bags, socks, travel size toothpaste, soap, shampoo, or body wash; washcloths, single size snacks like granola bars, protein bars, peanut butter crackers; menstrual products, bandaids, first aid ointment, Chapstick, candy. All ages are invited to participate in this service project.
“The Big Annual UU Conference” (In the chapel and on zoom) with Douglas Taylor
This year at the UUA General Assembly 2024, we are having the second vote on the Article 2 changes from the Seven Principles to the new Circle of Values. Also, it is fully online, which makes it easier and more affordable to attend. Come learn more about what is going on and how you can be involved.

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