Everyone should work on keeping themselves mentally healthy. Some people deal with imbalances in various ways: therapy, medication, journaling, talking to a close friend. But all in all, we are basically on a spectrum, with some people struggling and having to work hard to maintain a level of mental wellness and others having a low level of difficulty. During these COVID years, mental dis-ease and/or illness has bloomed at massive proportions to match the loss and grief people have experienced as well as isolation. Self-care is essential to keeping one mentally healthy. How do you keep yourself feeling well? |
We hope to see you in person! Masks are optional. Here is the current in-person gathering policy. Online information .. https://zoom.us/j/97989696520?pwd=ZG9NclFYQm9VV0NTb2VhNVM0R00xQT09 Meeting ID: 979 8969 6520 Passcode: 183183 Phone: +1 929 205 6099 Order of Service: uubinghamton.org/order-of-service/ |
UUCB Social Hour We also host a Zoom Social Hour at 11:45 after our service. In that session we will take a minute for any special announcements before doing our usual break-out rooms. Same Zoom information as for the service. |
Topics: Mental Health, Summer Services