Social Action Teams are groups of congregants who have chosen a topic of task that interests them and have worked with the Social Action HUUB to publicize their interest to the congregation to get more team members.

A congregant can either pick a topic or issue that they want to create a team to accomplish or they can join a team that is already started.

The ways and methods of doing teams are endless! It can be a one time project like a fundraiser or helping a community group with an event. It can also be a long-term team that works on bigger issues. What skills, experiences, and resources do you have? What interests you? What social justice issue are you passionate about? Start from there!

Some of our current teams are:

Reproductive Rights Team
A team dedicated to bringing education and advocacy for all those impacted by the overturn of Roe v Wade, as well as anyone whose needs fall under reproductive justice. One recent event was supporting the “Everyone Knows Someone” theatrical production.

Systemic Housing Crisis Team
This team works with local organizations to help with the legal and economic challenges of the housing crisis which includes challenges with our police, government officials, and an overall lack of housing.

Houseless Outreach Team
This team works to continue collecting donations for our houseless community, such as bikes and bus passes. This team also runs the “Houseless Giving Box” – a bin in our building’s coat room where donations are collected.

Recent past teams have been: Blood Drive, Bottle Donations, Community Nutrition, Poor People’s Campaign, and Universal Health Care.

If you want to get involved, please email us at