Category: News Archive

UUCB Stewardship Campaign for 2024-25

The 2024-25 Stewardship campaign has started – and we need your help!  Over 70% of our budget comes from your pledges, so the Board and the Finance Committee need your information to plan our budget for next year.  Please return your pledge form by March 24.  You can submit it online at

Summer Services

The UUCB summer services (July 2 through September 3) will have in person worship but no Zoom Sunday morning connections as we are giving our tech team a break. The Athens and Cortland congregations have invited our Zoom attenders to join them as they visit other congregations over the summer. Here is the schedule for … Continue reading Summer Services

Changes to UUA Principles?

At this June’s UUA General Assembly, delegates will vote on major changes to the parts of the UUA Bylaws including the Principles and Sources.  On March 12, Becca Boerger presented information about the proposed changes, which is now available on our YouTube channel. There is also a handout with the wording of both versions, which … Continue reading Changes to UUA Principles?


After a three year hiatus due to the pandemic, our popular fundraiser, Dining for Dollars is back! We are excited to offer this list of 18 fun events – choose among dinners, cocktail parties, picnics, boat rides, soap-making, yoga, hiking and an ice cream social! This beloved fund-raiser provides many opportunities for you to enjoy the … Continue reading DINING FOR DOLLARS IS BACK!

UUCB Stewardship Campaign for 2023-24

The 2023-24 Stewardship campaign has started – and we need your help!  Over 70% of our budget comes from your pledges, so the Board and the Finance Committee need your information to plan our budget for next year.  Please return your pledge form by March 19.  You can submit it online at

Credo: Exploring our Faith

For young adults, three workshops on Unitarian Universalism with Rev. Douglas Taylor will be scheduled for May / June 2023. See the flyer for more information.

Renovation Slideshow

Thanks to everyone who helped to make our renovation possible! Douglas and Sidra put together a renovation slideshow last summer that is really fun to watch! It was shown on a loop in the Fireside Lobby during yesterday’s Gratitude Sunday celebration. In case you didn’t get a chance to see it or would like to … Continue reading Renovation Slideshow