Sundays at UUCB
We invite you to join us in person or online each Sunday at 10:30am for our Sunday service, followed by social hour.
For those joining us online, here’s the connection information:
Dial by your location: +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 954 7121 8370
Passcode: 069245
Go here if you need more information about joining online.
General information about our Sunday services:
- Unitarian Universalist Congregation Binghamton, 183 Riverside Drive, Binghamton, NY 13905
- Sunday service begins 10:30am followed by social hour
- The first Sunday of the month, service is followed by workshops for all ages at 11:30am
- Children’s program begins 10:30am
- Childcare available
- Ample parking onsite
- Dress is casual
- Upcoming services

We gather together in spiritual community because we need constant reminders of what matters most in life. In a world of heartbreak and dehumanization, our congregations and communities call us to our better selves. We learn to live with more wisdom, more connection, and more compassion.
Our Worship Services are weekly reflections that weave together our own thoughts and experiences with music, beauty, poetry, and words that both comfort and challenge. Our programs for all ages inspire us, and awaken us to our capacities to make a difference in our own lives and in the world.
We are inspired not just by religious sources but by the people with whom we journey: the diverse and spirited Unitarian Universalists.
We gather in worship to find meaning and live more deeply. Worship creates connections within, among, and beyond us, calling us to our better selves, calling us to live with wisdom and compassion.
Sunday Morning at UUCB
Our congregation’s worship is fairly traditional, with music and readings, a sermon, and songs from our hymnal.
The service typically includes:
- Words of welcome
- Lighting a flaming chalice, the symbol of our faith
- A multigenerational segment, such as a “story for all ages”
- Music, both instrumental and vocal and in a variety of styles
- A time for lifting up the joys and concerns of the congregation
- A meditation or prayer
- Readings—ancient or contemporary
- A sermon given by our minister, a guest speaker, or a member of the congregation
- An offering, collecting financial donations for the congregation or for justice work in the community.
From time to time, our services incorporate holiday celebrations, multigenerational plays and pageants, longer musical performances, child dedications, and coming-of-age ceremonies. We offer childcare and learning programs for children and youth during the Sunday service.
Each week we publish our order of service here in time for Sunday morning worship
First Sundays at UUCB
On the first Sunday of each month, our multi-generational worship service offers innovation in the Sunday Service experience. Designed to increase opportunities for connection and explore many different ways to tap into our intellectual, creative and spiritual depths, we gather for a shorter service in the Sanctuary and then spread out for different workshops. The hardest part is often deciding which experience to choose!
- Service 10:30-11:15
- Break 11:15-11:30
- All ages workshops 11:30-12:15
- Fellowship 12:15-12:45