Zoom Info
Our weekly Sunday Services as well as Douglas’ daily Connection with the Minister can be accessed online at
Zoom Basics and Tips
- You don’t have to have a Zoom membership or even log in to join a meeting.
- If you are using a laptop, tablet, or smartphone, you will need the Zoom software downloaded on your device. Do this ahead of time. For laptops, go to https://zoom.us. Click on Join a Meeting, and it will prompt you to download the software. If you’re going to use a smartphone or tablet, go to the app store and download the free Zoom teleconferencing app. When you’re in the app, if it gives you the option to test your audio, then do, to make sure it works.
- You can choose to enable your camera so we can all see your smiling face, or if you’re in your pajamas with bedhead, you can keep the camera disabled.
- Plan to be muted for most of the call so we don’t get all the background noise from all of our environments. (Dogs barking, dishwashers, etc.)
- It’s a good idea to log in a few minutes before a meeting begins to make sure it’s working for you.
- Here is a great tutorial (the first 4 minutes are really good) by our own UUA consultant Beth Casebolt: https://vimeo.com/397678793