Order of Service    December 22, 2024

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Binghamton

Welcome and Announcements 

Passing the Peace

Prelude          African Noel        Victor Johnson

                         Adult Choir   

Opening Words                                    by Barbara Cheatham

*Doxology     From all that dwell below the skies

Let songs of hope and faith arise;

Let peace, good will on earth be sung

Through every land, by every tongue.

 *Covenant                                                                                               Love is the spirit of this congregation and service is its life.                                           This is our great covenant: to dwell together in peace,                                                    To seek the truth in love, and to help one another.                                               James Vila Blake (adapted)

*Chalice Lighting          by JeKaren Olaoya

*Hymn #234 In the Gentle of the Moon

Story Winter Candle by Jeron Ashford Part One – Thanksgiving

Story Winter Candle by Jeron Ashford Part Two– Havdalah

Reflection The Braided Candle

Interlude Eight Lights for Hanukkah        Andy Beck                       Adult Choir

Story Winter Candle Part Three – Saint Lucia

Reflection The Candle in Her Hair

Story                  Winter Candle                           Part Four – Kwanzaa

Reflection                      The Seventh Candle for Faith

Offertory          See, Amid the Winter’s Snow    John Goss (arr. Lloyd Larson)

Reading                                     Moment of Magic

Hymn #241       In the Bleak Midwinter (first verse only)

Story Winter Candle Part Five – A New Start

Story Winter Candle Part Six – The Whole Community

Reflection To Light the Way Home

*Hymn #235 Deck the Halls

*Chalice Extinguishing (unison) by Elizabeth S. Jones                                          We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment, These we carry in our hearts until we are together again.

Benediction  by Gregory Jones

Postlude        People, Look East (with Fugue in G major by Bach)                       French Folk Melody (arr. Linda McKechnie)                                  Vicky Gordon and Ginny Quackenbush- piano


*please stand in body or spirit

Tech Support: UUCB Stream Team

Focal Point: Shawn Steketee and Friends

Listening devices are available from the ushers.



Christmas Eve : We will have 7pm (family oriented) and 9pm (more contemplative) services on Christmas Eve. Our 7pm Service will be streamed on Zoom.

In between services we will have our traditional cookie potluck. Bring some cookies to share if you can, but don’t stress, there are always plenty!

Bean Soup Bottles for sale!  Our soup mix bottles are a beautiful, useful and unique gift and each one makes more that one pot of soup. Give the gift of warmth and nourishment this year with a hand-crafted soup mix bottle from UUCB! Each bottle is ready to gift at $10 each.

New LGBTQ Group Join us in the chapel on the first and third    Tuesdays of each month from 6pm-8pm .Join us in this safe place to be yourself and connect with others.

Social Hour : If you would like to help out with social hour, contact Ron Clupper at 607-727-8516 for more information. Also, any treats we have during social hour are donated, so feel free to bring something to share on a Sunday.

Find out about all that is happening at UUCB! Watch for twice a week emails, check out our Facebook group (UUCB Members and Friends) and our Facebook page for your current monthly Beacon Newsletter. There are printed copies of the newsletter in the wall file outside the office and at the info desk, or you can request that a copy be mailed to you at home by asking Karen in the office. Also, check out our calendar of events by clicking the “News and Events” button on our website.

Cranberry Coffeehouse: Cranberry Coffeehouse hosts a live music performance on the 3rd Saturday of the month in the UUCB Sanctuary. Coffee, tea and treats are available for sale as a fundraiser for UUCB during intermission. Suggested donation for the performance is $10, but no one will be turned away for an inability to pay.

The Social Action HUUB exists to support the creation and maintenance of social action teams. You can either brainstorm an idea for a social action project and then fill out an application on the HUUB bulletin board or sign up to be on someone else’s team. The teams are listed on the bulletin board. If you have any requests, thoughts, or questions, please get in touch with the HUUB at huub@uubinghamton.org.

What Are You Reading?

As another way to build connection and a sense of community, Jan Fiore is  offering to publish a list of things we have been reading and liking. You are invited to make  your suggestion known by sending her an email at janicefiore@gmail.com  Either fiction or nonfiction, something you thought was worth reading. I’ll include it in the month’s Beacon, e-Blast, and UU Facebook page for your consideration.

Find out about all that is happening at UUCB! Watch for twice a week emails, check out our Facebook group (UUCB Members and Friends) and our public Facebook page. There is a monthly newsletter, The Beacon, available too.  There are printed copies of the newsletter in the wall file outside the office and at the info desk, or you can request that a copy be mailed to you at home by asking Karen in the office. Also, check out our calendar of events by clicking the “News and Events” button on our website.

The tree is up and the tags are on it. Take a tag, purchase the gift, wrap it and bring the gift and tag back to the tree.

Our ABC Soul Matters SGM (Athens, Binghamton, Cortland “Soul Matters” Small Group Ministry) is a Multi-congregational online session. People are welcome to join any time. We will run 3rd Wednesdays at 6:30 – 8:00 October through May. Co-led by Rev. Douglas Taylor and Becca Boerger. Contact Rev. Taylor for the zoom link.  

Building Bridges Periodical ; Do you want updates on what is happening in our greater community? Do you like sharing your thoughts and opinions on social justice? Do you enjoy reading other people’s thoughts and opinions about social justice? 

The Social Action HUUB publishes a monthly periodical called Building Bridges Periodical.

To subscribe and get the submission guidelines, email buildingbridgesmonthly@uubinghamton.org.