Order of service – Jan 19, 2025

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Binghamton

Welcome and Announcements          

Passing the Peace       


Opening Words                                                           Anonymous

*Doxology                              (From all that dwells below the sky)

*Covenant                               (the Blake covenant)

*Chalice Lighting                                                       by Elizabeth McMaster

*Hymn #169               We Shall Overcome               

Story for all ages                     “We Are Not Afraid” from Myles Horton

Singing the Children out                     (go now in peace)

Joys and Sorrows


Prayer                                                  Douglas Taylor

Silent Meditation

Hymn #123     (please remain seated)                        Spirit of Life

Reading           from The Sword and the Shield by Peniel E. Joseph


Sermon            Martin and Malcolm in America        Rev. Douglas Taylor

*Hymn #149                           Lift Every Voice and Sing

*Chalice Extinguishing (unison)                    by Elizabeth S. Jones

(We extinguish this flame,)

Benediction                                                                 by Richard Fewkes


*please stand in body or spirit

Worship Associate, Ann Foard

Focal Point, Ron Clupper

Tech Support, UUCB Stream Team

Listening devices are available from the ushers.

Join us after the service today for workshops for all ages.

Jumpin January Workshops for Today

Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration: Monday January 20                            

March 5:30pm MLK Promenade; Service @ 6pm Salvation Temple Church, 80 Main St., Binghamton. Guest Speaker: Rev. Douglas Taylor. Let’s all go to this and support Reverend Taylor!

What Are You Reading?

As another way to build connection and a sense of community, Jan Fiore is  offering to publish a list of things we have been reading and liking. You are invited to make  your suggestion known by sending her an email at janicefiore@gmail.com  Either fiction or nonfiction, something you thought was worth reading. I’ll include it in the month’s Beacon, e-Blast, and UU Facebook page for your consideration.

Find out about all that is happening at UUCB! Watch for twice a week emails, check out our Facebook group (UUCB Members and Friends) and our public Facebook page. There is a monthly newsletter, The Beacon, available too.  There are printed copies of the newsletter in the wall file outside the office and at the info desk, or you can request that a copy be mailed to you at home by asking Karen in the office. Also, check out our calendar of events by clicking the “News and Events” button on our website.

Our ABC Soul Matters SGM (Athens, Binghamton, Cortland “Soul Matters” Small Group Ministry) is a Multi-congregational online session. People are welcome to join any time. We will run 3rd Wednesdays at 6:30 – 8:00 October through May. Co-led by Rev. Douglas Taylor and Becca Boerger. Contact Rev. Taylor for the zoom link.  

Building Bridges Periodical ; Do you want updates on what is happening in our greater community? Do you like sharing your thoughts and opinions on social justice? Do you enjoy reading other people’s thoughts and opinions about social justice? 

The Social Action HUUB publishes a monthly periodical called Building Bridges Periodical.

To subscribe and get the submission guidelines, email buildingbridgesmonthly@uubinghamton.org.

Empire State Voices Taxes and Tariffs Forum: Wednesday,                     January 14 at 5:15pm   Join us for an important discussion on the economic challenges posed by tax cuts and tariffs and their potential threat to our economy. This forum will feature panelists exploring the impact of these policies on markets, trade, and fiscal stability, followed by an open Q&A session. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn, share insights, and discuss solutions for a resilient economic future.

Kadampa Buddhist Meditation at UUCB  Every Tuesday at 7pm Using meditation and Buddhist wisdom to train our mind, we can reduce negative thinking and learn to think in ways that produce a positive, peaceful outlook. We can respond to daily challenges in a more constructive fashion, improve our relationships and make our life truly meaningful. We gain incredible confidence knowing we know HOW to move forward for a happier life. $10 fee per week.

UUCB Housing Forum

Saturday, January 25   1pm-4pm in the social hall. The meeting that decides UUCB’s response to the current Housing   Crisis in our area. Sign up on the HUUB Bulletin board or email huub@uubinghamton.org to RSVP

Caring Card Team Forming: Would you like to send cards on behalf of UUCB to congregants for birthdays, bereavement, support and other important events? We need you on the caring card team. Cards, envelopes, addresses and stamps can be provided. If you would like to be a part of this team let Karen Manzer know at office@uubinghamton.org

Banner on the wall in the sanctuary: Notice the beautiful new banner hanging in the front of the sanctuary today. It was designed and created by Pat Chirumbolo using many of our handprints that we made during a first Sunday workshop last year. Thank you Pat!

January Birthdays:     Irwin Cohen -1st   Marilyn Coleman -3rd
Laura Cohen -6th   Becky Greenstrom- 6th   Bill Thorpe-24th
 DJ Goldenberg- 25th    

LGBTQ Group Join us in the chapel on the first and third    Tuesdays of each month from 6pm-8pm in the chapel .Join us in this safe place to be yourself and connect with others.

Jumpin January is BACK! We are bringing back an old favorite. Every Sunday in January will have special workshops after the service. Stay tuned for more info soon. 

Last Sunday Lunch:  Sunday, January 26 after the service. This month’s theme is “Winter Brunch”. Bring a dish to share and have lunch with your community.

Non-Binary Film and Discussion: Sunday, January 26 1-3pm. (After Last Sunday Lunch) Are you curious about the experience of folks with non-binary gender identity (or do you just wonder what that means)? Join us for popcorn and fellowship as we watch a documentary that talks to some folks about just that. The movie runs about an hour and a half and will be followed by a short discussion led by Alex Compton and Catherine Magdala. Follow-up opportunities for further education will also be presented.

Co-chair Needed for Stewardship Committee: Please let Tim Wolcott or another board member know if you are interested in sharing this important position for the upcoming stewardship campaign.

UUCB Plants: Our plants are lovingly cared for by the UUCB Pagan group. Please refrain from watering them or bringing in more plants from home. If you have a question or concern about a plant, please talk to Adee Wilson.

DINING FOR DOLLARS 2025!   It’s that time of year again – we’re looking for hosts for Dining for Dollars events for the coming year. There have been so many fun social events happening at UUCB lately – let’s keep it going! A great way to do that, and at the same time support the church and its mission, is to fill the year with Dining for Dollars gatherings. Please consider hosting a dinner, cocktail party, picnic, craft workshop, guided hike or any other fun social activity you can think of – in your home, at the church, at a park – let your imagination be your guide! Contact Debby Herman any time for more information, but by January 30 if you’d like to host an event

There is a new congregational door code for 2025. You can get it from Karen Manzer in the office.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration: Monday January 20                            

March 5:30pm MLK Promenade; Service @ 6pm Salvation Temple Church, 80 Main St., Binghamton. Guest Speaker: Rev. Douglas Taylor. Let’s all go to this and support Reverend Taylor!

Community Blood Drive at UUCB

Saturday, January 18     9am-2pm   in the social hall

Walk-in or make an appointment at redcrossblood.org

Cranberry Coffeehouse

Cranberry Coffeehouse hosts a live music performance on the 3rd Saturday of each month in the UUCB sanctuary.  Suggested donated for these events is $10 per person but no one will be turned away for an inability to pay.                Coffee, tea and treats are available for purchase and the proceeds form those sales benefits UUCB.                                       Please Note: Concerts have moved to 7:00 pm (they used to be at 7:30 pm).

John Kirk & Trish Miller    Saturday January 18 2025

As part of an annual tradition, John Kirk (North American Fiddler’s Hall of Famer, on fiddle, mandolin & more) and Trish Miller (banjo, guitar and fancy footwork) will open the Cranberry Coffeehouse’s first concert of the year.           More information (including artist descriptions) is available at the website (cranberrycoffeehouse.org).